MicroVAX 2000
(too old to reply)
Andy Ball
2004-10-12 16:32:40 UTC
Does anyone in (or around) the Illinois, USA area have an
old MicroVAX (or VAXstation) 2000 that they would be willing
to part with? I would like to be able to test some old MFM
disk drives.

- Andy Ball.
Bob Kaplow
2004-10-30 16:56:41 UTC
Post by Andy Ball
Does anyone in (or around) the Illinois, USA area have an
old MicroVAX (or VAXstation) 2000 that they would be willing
to part with? I would like to be able to test some old MFM
disk drives.
Well, you've munged your address so I can't email you. Demung and email me.

Bob Kaplow NAR # 18L TRA # "Impeach the TRA BoD"
Post by Andy Ball
To reply, remove the TRABoD! <<<
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