Help in saving an old friend.
(too old to reply)
2007-05-29 17:42:21 UTC
By much beloved PDP 11/23+ running RSX 11/M+ has a 20 Meg Seagate that after
20 years is giving me a few read errors.

Is there a way for me to save this drive (i.e.: sub-level format)?

It's very disturbing to me to watch an old friend suffer so.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

(I'm going to cross-post this to other DEC related newsgroups I hope no one
Douglas A. Gwyn
2007-05-30 13:29:45 UTC
... giving me a few read errors.
Is there a way for me to save this drive (i.e.: sub-level format)?
Generally it is risky to continue using a disk after
it has started acting flaky. Of course you can reformat it
(needs help from the controller and diagnostic software),
but your best bet is probably to find a spare drive and
transfer everything to it. Keep the original as a backup
in case the new one dies suddenly.
