MicroVAX IIs/BA123s in Demand?
(too old to reply)
Jeff Shirley
2007-01-08 21:19:01 UTC

I have a couple of MicroVAX II systems in BA123 boxes I would like to sell,
hopefully to hobbyists rather than the local scrap guy. My question is
whether it might make more sense to just pull the boards and cabinet kits, and
scrap the BA123 enclosures.

The first system has fairly standard components, a KA630 (M7606-AF), two 4MB
boards (M7608-BP), a pair of DHV11s (M3104), a DELQA (M7516), RQDX3 (M7555),
TQK50 (M7546), RD53, TK50, and a pair of boards from Ultimate Computer
Corporation. I think the second system has some more interesting parts, like
a pair of ESDI dives and a Pertec tape drive interface.

The first system weighed in at 125 pounds, which would cost upwards of $150 to
ship across the country from (from the Los Angeles area). I just do not know
if there is any demand for the old BA123s in the hobbyist community.


P.S. Apologies to the PDP-11 groups for the crossposts.
P.P.S. This old DEC hardware amazes me. I hooked a VT220 to the first system
described above, and powered it up. It booted right up with MicroVMS V4.7,
circa 1987.
Jeff Shirley
"Bill Gates is filthy rich, but that doesn't mean I want to be married to him."
2007-01-08 22:01:05 UTC
Post by Jeff Shirley
I have a couple of MicroVAX II systems in BA123 boxes I would like to sell,
hopefully to hobbyists rather than the local scrap guy. My question is
whether it might make more sense to just pull the boards and cabinet kits, and
scrap the BA123 enclosures.
The first system has fairly standard components, a KA630 (M7606-AF), two 4MB
boards (M7608-BP), a pair of DHV11s (M3104), a DELQA (M7516), RQDX3 (M7555),
TQK50 (M7546), RD53, TK50, and a pair of boards from Ultimate Computer
Corporation. I think the second system has some more interesting parts, like
a pair of ESDI dives and a Pertec tape drive interface.
The first system weighed in at 125 pounds, which would cost upwards of $150 to
ship across the country from (from the Los Angeles area). I just do not know
if there is any demand for the old BA123s in the hobbyist community.
P.S. Apologies to the PDP-11 groups for the crossposts.
P.P.S. This old DEC hardware amazes me. I hooked a VT220 to the first system
described above, and powered it up. It booted right up with MicroVMS V4.7,
circa 1987.
Definite interest here in Florida, for the whole box
IIRC those Ultimate boards ran the PICK OS
but it's been a while since I worked on them,
maybe that was the 11 based systems ? A lot
of commercial sites ran that configuration, pretty
solid hardware and PICK users loved the OS.
I think I still have some of the manuals.
Post by Jeff Shirley
Jeff Shirley
"Bill Gates is filthy rich, but that doesn't mean I want to be married to him."
John Dundas
2007-01-09 20:49:23 UTC

Sorry to spam Usenet, but there was no way to respond to that email
address directly. I'm in Pasadena and definitely interested. Please
contact me at dundas @ caltech . edu.


legalize+ (Richard)
2007-01-09 21:42:54 UTC
[Please do not mail me a copy of your followup]
Post by John Dundas
Sorry to spam Usenet, but there was no way to respond to that email
address directly. I'm in Pasadena and definitely interested. Please
.. same here; I forwarded your message to a mailing list and someone
was interested in responding to you, but they need an email addres...
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" -- DirectX 9 draft available for download

Legalize Adulthood! <http://blogs.xmission.com/legalize/>
Douglas A. Gwyn
2007-01-13 01:13:27 UTC
Post by Jeff Shirley
I have a couple of MicroVAX II systems in BA123 boxes I would like to sell,
hopefully to hobbyists rather than the local scrap guy. My question is
whether it might make more sense to just pull the boards and cabinet kits, and
scrap the BA123 enclosures.
From a preservationist/hobbyist point of view, it is better
to keep the system intact. However, you could probably make
more money selling it piecemeal.
