DEC Pro Question
(too old to reply)
Bob Healey
2004-12-10 06:54:51 UTC
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet card
installed in its cage.

I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump of
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console app
remotely (from a firewalled environment).

Thanks in advance.

Bob Healey
Lee Gleason
2004-12-10 23:37:57 UTC
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet card
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump of
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console app
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free from
the usual
places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but the ethernet

Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants
Bob Healey
2004-12-11 01:12:48 UTC
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet
Post by Bob Healey
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump
Post by Bob Healey
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console app
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free from
the usual
places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but the ethernet
I'm new to dealing with this system as anything but a vax console. Where
are the usual places?


Lee Gleason
2004-12-11 22:06:18 UTC
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet
Post by Bob Healey
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump
Post by Bob Healey
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free from
the usual
places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but the
Post by Lee Gleason
I'm new to dealing with this system as anything but a vax console. Where
are the usual places?
Here's one place, there's several other places to get PRO software,
since DEC released it to the public (Yay!), although they apparently lost
the sources to it all (Boo!).


Here's an abstract about the contents of the above.

PRO175 PRO/DECnet Version: 2.1, October 1989

Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation

Operating System: P/OS V3.2 Memory Required: 512KB Software
Required: DECUS No. PRO177, P/OS Version 3.2 Keywords: Networking,
Professional 300 Series - P/OS

Abstract: PRO/DECnet enables a Professional 300 Series System to
participate as a non-routing (end) node in DECnet computer
networks. The Professional node can communicate with other
DECnet nodes using either the Communications Port (COMM1)
for Asynchronous or Synchronous DDCMP Wide Area Network
communications, or the NET1 Port for Ethernet Local Area
Network communications, but not both at the same time. The
optional PRO/Tool Kit, see DECUS No. PRO178 for a description
of this package, contains libraries which allow developers
to write applications which communicate in a DECnet network.

PRO/DECnet Phase IV networks can contain up to sixty-three
network areas, with a maximum of 1023 nodes per network
area, given proper network planning. Phase III nodes
participating in Phase III/IV networks are limited to the
Phase III routing capability of 255 nodes. Phase II nodes
are not supported. Phase IV end nodes not directly
connected to an Ethernet Local Area Network must connect to
a Phase IV full function (routing) node, and can only
communicate with Phase III nodes through such a router.

The functions available to the PRO/DECnet user depend
largely upon the configuration of the rest of the network.
Each DECnet product offers its own level of capability and
its own set of features to the user.

Functions available with PRO/DECnet include Remote DECnet
Terminal Utility, Remote File Access and File Transfer,
Mail, Phone, Modem Support and Task-to-Task Communication
and Network Management.

Following is a list of the manuals you will receive when you
order Media Service Charge Code (EE):
"PRO/DECnet User's Guide"
"PRO/DECnet Problem Determination Guide"

Notes: This program is also included on DECUS No. VS0112.

Restrictions: A DECNA module is required to use the NET1 port on the
rear of the system

Documentation available in hardcopy only. Sources not included.

Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (ED), Five RX50 Diskettes
(JE) Format: P/OS
Bob Healey
2004-12-12 08:07:17 UTC
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console
Post by Lee Gleason
Post by Bob Healey
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Lee Gleason
the usual
places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but the
Post by Lee Gleason
I'm new to dealing with this system as anything but a vax console.
Post by Bob Healey
Post by Bob Healey
are the usual places?
Here's one place, there's several other places to get PRO software,
since DEC released it to the public (Yay!), although they apparently lost
the sources to it all (Boo!).
Here's an abstract about the contents of the above.
PRO175 PRO/DECnet Version: 2.1, October 1989
Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation
Operating System: P/OS V3.2 Memory Required: 512KB Software
Required: DECUS No. PRO177, P/OS Version 3.2 Keywords: Networking,
Professional 300 Series - P/OS
Abstract: PRO/DECnet enables a Professional 300 Series System to
participate as a non-routing (end) node in DECnet computer
networks. The Professional node can communicate with other
DECnet nodes using either the Communications Port (COMM1)
for Asynchronous or Synchronous DDCMP Wide Area Network
communications, or the NET1 Port for Ethernet Local Area
Network communications, but not both at the same time. The
optional PRO/Tool Kit, see DECUS No. PRO178 for a description
of this package, contains libraries which allow developers
to write applications which communicate in a DECnet network.
PRO/DECnet Phase IV networks can contain up to sixty-three
network areas, with a maximum of 1023 nodes per network
area, given proper network planning. Phase III nodes
participating in Phase III/IV networks are limited to the
Phase III routing capability of 255 nodes. Phase II nodes
are not supported. Phase IV end nodes not directly
connected to an Ethernet Local Area Network must connect to
a Phase IV full function (routing) node, and can only
communicate with Phase III nodes through such a router.
The functions available to the PRO/DECnet user depend
largely upon the configuration of the rest of the network.
Each DECnet product offers its own level of capability and
its own set of features to the user.
Functions available with PRO/DECnet include Remote DECnet
Terminal Utility, Remote File Access and File Transfer,
Mail, Phone, Modem Support and Task-to-Task Communication
and Network Management.
Following is a list of the manuals you will receive when you
"PRO/DECnet User's Guide"
"PRO/DECnet Problem Determination Guide"
Notes: This program is also included on DECUS No. VS0112.
Restrictions: A DECNA module is required to use the NET1 port on the
rear of the system
Documentation available in hardcopy only. Sources not included.
Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (ED), Five RX50 Diskettes
(JE) Format: P/OS
Thanks. Somehow missed/overlooked this when i was searching google.
2004-12-13 18:11:55 UTC
Post by Lee Gleason
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free from
the usual places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but
the ethernet card...
But what OS does a VAX console run? I've not played around with mine,
however, I was under the understanding that it wasn't really P/OS, or RT-11.
I have my doubts that the Ethernet card can be made to work with the VAX
console software. In fact I would guess that the system was originally a
Pro380 used for something else, and when someone sometime in the past needed
to replace the console on the VAX they used it putting the VAX interface
card in, and leaving the ethernet card in. Of course given what a the VAX
consoles are, that could have been DEC prior to the VAX shipping.

Bob Healey
2004-12-14 22:23:25 UTC
Post by h***@aracnet.com
Post by Lee Gleason
Installing PRO/DECnet comes to mind as a solution...available free from
the usual places. And, if you tire of this project, let me know, I'll but
the ethernet card...
But what OS does a VAX console run? I've not played around with mine,
however, I was under the understanding that it wasn't really P/OS, or RT-11.
I have my doubts that the Ethernet card can be made to work with the VAX
console software. In fact I would guess that the system was originally a
Pro380 used for something else, and when someone sometime in the past needed
to replace the console on the VAX they used it putting the VAX interface
card in, and leaving the ethernet card in. Of course given what a the VAX
consoles are, that could have been DEC prior to the VAX shipping.
It boots P/OS 3.2 and then I have to manually select the VAX Console app off
the main menu. Its one of those things were it would be nice to get
Ethernet working so I can run the console app remotely, but not a big deal
if i can't.

2004-12-15 00:00:00 UTC
Post by Bob Healey
It boots P/OS 3.2 and then I have to manually select the VAX Console app off
the main menu. Its one of those things were it would be nice to get
Ethernet working so I can run the console app remotely, but not a big deal
if i can't.
Interesting, sounds different from the Pro380 that I have, which I'm pretty
sure boots directly into the VAX Console software. But then for all I know
it is really booting P/OS and someone configured it to act that way. I
never have gotten around to playing with it since it doesn't have ethernet,
and can only use MFM HD's.

One thing about the networking software for P/OS, I'm pretty sure you can
only get DECnet.

Lee Gleason
2004-12-15 04:32:13 UTC
Post by h***@aracnet.com
Post by Bob Healey
It boots P/OS 3.2 and then I have to manually select the VAX Console app off
the main menu. Its one of those things were it would be nice to get
Ethernet working so I can run the console app remotely, but not a big deal
if i can't.
Interesting, sounds different from the Pro380 that I have, which I'm pretty
sure boots directly into the VAX Console software. But then for all I know
it is really booting P/OS and someone configured it to act that way. I
never have gotten around to playing with it since it doesn't have ethernet,
and can only use MFM HD's.
One thing about the networking software for P/OS, I'm pretty sure you can
only get DECnet.
It's definitely gotta be P/OS, just set to go straight into the Console
software. I vaguely
remember, that if you type EXIT a time or two to the console software
prompt, you'll get
dropped back into the P/OS command environment.

I just had a look at a copy of "VAX 8530/8550/8700/8800 Console Release
version 7.0. It doesn't go into any detail, but does make passing mention of
use of the
DECNA (the ethernet card) and PRO/DECNet supported on the Pro Console. Also
of statements that show the Console is definitely running P/OS.

PRO's are still my favorite platforms for running RSX (well, P/OS is
close enough
for my purposes, with the DCL tool kit installed - you can write drivers,
map the IO page,
ZAP tasks, do all the system programming stuff I enjoyed back in the

Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants
Bob Healey
2004-12-15 05:00:11 UTC
Post by h***@aracnet.com
Post by Bob Healey
It boots P/OS 3.2 and then I have to manually select the VAX Console app off
the main menu. Its one of those things were it would be nice to get
Ethernet working so I can run the console app remotely, but not a big deal
if i can't.
Interesting, sounds different from the Pro380 that I have, which I'm pretty
sure boots directly into the VAX Console software. But then for all I know
it is really booting P/OS and someone configured it to act that way. I
never have gotten around to playing with it since it doesn't have ethernet,
and can only use MFM HD's.
One thing about the networking software for P/OS, I'm pretty sure you can
only get DECnet.
DECnet's not that big a deal - what I am after is a way to remotely power
off the big VAX if it starts getting too warm without having to pay it a
visit in person. I tried doing it via remote serial console, but the VAX
Console software was too smart to allow that. If it means doing via telnet
to a smaller device and then connecting to decnet, i can live with that.


Michael Thompson
2004-12-14 14:32:23 UTC
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet card
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump of
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console app
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Thanks in advance.
Bob Healey
The Ethernet board in my Pro/350 fails diags. Anyone have a spare?
Lee Gleason
2004-12-15 04:33:53 UTC
Post by Michael Thompson
Post by Bob Healey
I've got a Pro/380 that is currently serving as a console to a VAX 8530.
While replacing the system drive, I noticed the machine has an ethernet card
installed in its cage.
I haven't been able to find anything on Google, but I was wondering does
anyone know how to get this thing on a network? I'd like to make a dump of
its hard drive to somewhere safe, and if possible, run the vax console app
remotely (from a firewalled environment).
Thanks in advance.
Bob Healey
The Ethernet board in my Pro/350 fails diags. Anyone have a spare?
I';ve been looking for a DECNA for years...if you give up on yours, I'd
to have it (heck, it might be repairable...ya never know).

Lee K. Gleason N5ZMR
Control-G Consultants