RT-11 V5.3 info needed
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Douglas A. Gwyn
2004-09-09 21:40:34 UTC
Please send me the information needed to patch MACRO-11 on RT-11 V5.3
in order to increase the size of its workfile. This is usually given
in the Release Notes, but could be in a Software Dispatch. Thanks!
Carl Lowenstein
2004-09-10 21:15:55 UTC
Post by Douglas A. Gwyn
Please send me the information needed to patch MACRO-11 on RT-11 V5.3
in order to increase the size of its workfile. This is usually given
in the Release Notes, but could be in a Software Dispatch. Thanks!
All I can find offhand is V5.2, but I would be surprised if the
general outline of how to proceed is different in V5.3.

In RT-11 Installation Guide p. 2-64, section 2.7.55

You need the value (location) of WRKSIZ, which is allegedly in the file
CUSTOM.TXT on the distribution kit. Text says that new value nnn can
be between 128 and 256, but I bet that you have to specify it in Octal.

Segment? 0
Base? 0
Offset? WRKSIZ

Segment Base Offset Old New?
000000 000000 WRKSIZ 000200 nnn [ret]
000000 000000 WRKSIZ+2 xxxxx ^Y [ret]

I suppose that worst-case you could go searching through MACRO.SAV
to find an occurrence of 0200, and look around to see if it is in
a plausible place in the instruction stream.

carl lowenstein marine physical lab u.c. san diego
Chris Doran
2004-09-11 01:20:45 UTC
Post by Douglas A. Gwyn
Please send me the information needed to patch MACRO-11 on RT-11 V5.3
in order to increase the size of its workfile. This is usually given
in the Release Notes, but could be in a Software Dispatch. Thanks!
I only have the 5.2 manual, but with luck the procedure won't have

Segment? 0
Base? 0
Offset? WRKSIZ

Segment Base Offset Old New?
000000 000000 WRKSIZ 000200 nnn
000000 000000 WRKSIZ+2 ****** ctrl/Y

The actual value for the crucial address denoted by "WRKSIZ" above is
given in CUSTOM.TXT on your distribution kit.

nnn is the value you want, 256 (decimal) max, entered in octal of

The last thing on each line is what you type, followed by return.

Douglas A. Gwyn
2004-09-11 03:58:21 UTC
Thanks, Chris & Carl!
Jerome H. Fine
2004-09-12 00:34:38 UTC
Post by Douglas A. Gwyn
Please send me the information needed to patch MACRO-11 on RT-11 V5.3
in order to increase the size of its workfile. This is usually given
in the Release Notes, but could be in a Software Dispatch. Thanks!
Jerome Fine replies:

The file CUSTOM.TXT defines WRKSIZ as octal 2440 for
V05.03 of RT-11. At that location (in the file MACRO.SAV),
the value is octal 200 and may be increased to octal 400 by
using SIPP.

HOWEVER, in the past I have found that it is MUCH more
important to provide MACRO with increased memory. There
are two methods:

(a) If you must use an UnMapped monitor, use RT11BL and
remove all unnecessary device drivers, etc.

(b) A MUCH better (and faster) choice is to use RT11XM
and run MACRO under VBGEXE which then provides
MACRO with 64 KBytes of usable memory. The downside
is that you may need to modify a command file to assemble
ONE program at a time. If you do not understand how to do
this, please ask for additional help. In general, when I use this
option for a SYSGEN and assemble KMON,KMOVLY, the
time is reduced by up to 90%, although I can't remember the
exact ratio since it has been so long.

Please respond as to how much help this provides. NOTE
that the location if WRKSIZ changes from version to version
of MACRO.SAV as well as the default size. In later versions,
the location changes to 2450 and the default size increases to
octal 400 in V05.06 of RT-11.

Do you have any other questions about RT-11?

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
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