(too old to reply)
Tom Lake
2008-06-26 02:20:39 UTC
I'm looking for RSX BASIC to run on a DEC Pro 350.
It should be in the PRO123 set of disks but the only
image I can find online is 123-1. The rest of the 123
set (4 more floppies) is missing. Does anyone
here have the rest of the set they'd be willing to share?
Or just the RSX BASIC files that can be installed?


Tom Lake
** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Roman Sigmund
2008-06-28 07:48:53 UTC
I'm looking for RSX BASIC to run on a DEC Pro 350. It should be in the
PRO123 set of disks but the only image I can find online is 123-1. The
rest of the 123 set (4 more floppies) is missing. Does anyone here have
the rest of the set they'd be willing to share?
Or just the RSX BASIC files that can be installed?
Tom Lake ** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
Hi, Tom !
Try ftp://ftp.update.uu.se/pub/pdp11/pos/PRO174/

It contains Basic 1.4
Tom Lake
2008-06-28 09:51:13 UTC
Post by Roman Sigmund
I'm looking for RSX BASIC to run on a DEC Pro 350. It should be in the
PRO123 set of disks but the only image I can find online is 123-1. The
rest of the 123 set (4 more floppies) is missing. Does anyone here have
the rest of the set they'd be willing to share?
Or just the RSX BASIC files that can be installed?
Hi, Tom !
Try ftp://ftp.update.uu.se/pub/pdp11/pos/PRO174/
It contains Basic 1.4
Thanks. I have PRO/BASIC (1.4) but it's limited compared to RSX BASIC.
It has no MAT statements and there are other limitations as well.

Tom Lake

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **
